
just to let you go...


10-20-2013, 09:47 AM

What was love? The sound of her trembling voice seemed to fill her. Was she angry? Absolutely she was. She was angrier at the thought of Zara giving up on them. After everything was she so willing to let them end? She closed her own eyes and allowed her breath to ease out of her mouth. Counting silently to reign in her anger. Now was not the time to yell. She didn?t want her emotions getting the best of her and she would not lash out. Instead she allowed her tail to curl around Zara?s in a soothing way. She had thought about walking away but what good would that do? Would they rather live together with broken hearts or simply work on what was broken? After all, she had dealt with much with Kaios so why would Zara be any different?

?I could never hate you.? She said softly, she pushed her head against her shoulder. Allowing her aroma to sooth her anger. ?Love isn?t about fairness. It?s not about what is easy and what is not so easy. It is about accepting the one your with for who they are.? She said with a sigh. Zara had proven to be less then dependable but hadn?t that made her who she was? Hadn?t she loved her for it? She allowed her tongue to gently lick the side of her face. She could taste the salt from tease unshed. Knew they were coming but she wouldn?t allow it. No, if Zara wouldn?t fight then she would.

?I love you Zara. I told you this. I am angry that you have not been the rock I need. That when things are hard you are gone but without that I would not be who I am now. I would not have something to fight for. You are mine and I am yours. I will not leave you for being who you are.? Her voice was filled with acceptance. She had known that Zara wouldn?t always be by her side but she would need to find someone who would but that didn?t mean it needed to be a lover. After all, her new king was becoming a rather good friend of hers. Perhaps she simply needed friends to be there for her when Zara was not but not another love.

?If you think you cannot handle being my mate then you are welcome to walk away. However, if you want to be my mate then I suggest you formally claim me before someone else does.? She said with a finality that was unyielding. Zara had never officially claimed her as her mate and she would give her the chance to now. That meant that no one would love her but Zara. She would want pups again, she enjoyed the pain far to much to not continue to breed but she would choose the male with her and it would be simply for procreation and nothing more.
