
Where the Stars Lead




Expert Fighter (170)

Expert Healer (165)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Ooh La La
02-10-2023, 04:56 PM

Easy truth that the party had been overwhelming for Saia. She really didn't dislike being around others or even large groups of strangers, but it was drastically different than her life back at home. She had always stuck real close to her mother while her other siblings were out exploring and learning and probably anything normal that young children would do. Saia preferred to learn from her mother in the palace, and keep close and snuggle with her. Those days had been wearing thin for a long time though as she aged. She felt herself maturing in new ways and that instinctual desire to find and learn her own way in life. It was scary at times, but it was in her blood to overcome and find her way.

Seeing the stream that ran through the plains on their way in, she didn't see any issue with getting a breather taking a walk along the shallow banks. A new sense of relief as she drew further away from the crowds and there seemed to be a few other wolves sparsely around out here. She kept her eyes down in the flow of the water as her paws led her further down. She was almost lost in some kind of empty space in her head as she decompressed and prepared herself to go back in with her siblings again. She wouldn't notice the boy that had been sitting ahead admiring the stars and his surroundings until her paw bumped into him in step. Not too roughly luckily, but his sudden presence in her absent mind was surprising. She drew back just a step or two, an expected reaction for anyone bumping into a stranger. "Oh, sorry. I..." She paused for a moment, looking down at the gentle trickle of the stream beside her. She did feel a little embarrassed. She should have been paying more attention. She wouldn't make a huge deal of it though. She would turn, not abruptly, but ready to leave the boy to his own stargazing hoping that he'd forget she had nearly stepped on him.

"Saia Abraxas-Destruction"