
And On Your Left You'll See...



"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
02-10-2023, 08:31 PM

Andromeda has been waiting for the day when she could show Isa around the col and the girl has spent a long time plotting out the perfect route to show her everything. As she enters the den where Isa is staying, the girl is greeted with a smile and the pup’s tail wags happily behind her while her own smile grows in magnitude. A soft giggle escapes as the blue wolf uses the nickname that she has gifted the girl and her happiness swells exponentially. When Isa ushers her forward, the lavender girl moves to do as bid and is quick to join the woman at her side.

The smile that Andy wears is bright and, when the blue woman says that she has a gift for her, the pup can’t help the curious tilt that her head does. Isa then produces a large, thick cushion and wonder suddenly pulls at every line of her face. Swiftly, the lavender girl sits and takes ahold of the cushion so she can carefully run her purple paws lightly over the plush fur turned cushion. Isa speaks, pulling another smile from the pup but Andy cannot take her eyes off the gift as she realizes, this the first time someone she is not related to, has given her something.

Pulling the gift to her chest, the girl shifts her pale blue gaze to met Isa’s aqua eyes and a thankful, fond smile is beamed at the woman. Hugging her pillow, Andy softly says, “Thank you so much Isa. This… means the world to me.” Her words are heartfelt and thankful, the simple gift helps to further cement Isa into her young life. A nod is given to the suggestion of leaving her new cushion behind but the pup hesitates a moment longer, giving the gift a small squeeze before relinquishing it back to the woman.

Once it is safely stowed away, Andy ushers the blue woman out into the bright winter sunlight. Pausing a moment to blink against the sudden harshness, the girl then casts her gaze about to get her bearings. Lifting a paw, she points out the tall obelisk next to the roaring bonfire near the center of the communal area and says, “That is where we will start. The Obelisk has the pack rules etched into the surface and all new wolves are taken there so they can read and understand them. Let’s go! You set the pace.”

With that, the girl settles into a comfortable walking speed for the still healing woman. As they approach, a thought suddenly occurs to the girl and she gently asks, “Can you read, Isa?” Pale gaze darts to the woman hoping she hasn’t offended her by asking. Andromeda isn’t trying to judge her, merely attempting to find out if she should read the laws out loud or allow Isa time to quietly read them. Either way, the girl is content.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.