
Tiger Food?




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-12-2023, 02:49 AM

Forming Ethne, and bringing her family here, had felt like one of the best decisions the woman had ever made. She felt like they were safe here and like her children could play without fear. And, for the most part, the woman had been right. Holding borders, and chasing off other predators, had given her children a sense of safety. But without enough adults to rotate regular patrols she should have known better than to believe that the time of peace would last. All it would take is one desperate predator crossing their borders to look for an easy meal. The pups and even Gavroche and Lucette would be easy targets. But Bellamy would not be ready that day when trouble arose.

The woman had spent some time with her companions that morning, making use of the good weather to plan some future training for the children, as well as test herself a bit, but as she came back across the lands of the Falls the laughter she had expected to hear was not the sound that reached her ears. A scream, a scream of terror and pain cuts across the land, and before Bellamy even fully processes why the scream may have occurred she breaks into a run. She tears through the undergrowth below the trees, her ears falling flat against her skull as her heart begins to pound.

The scream came from a child. One of her children. In seconds Bellamy realizes one in danger is Haydée. Another second later and her little one screams for her, and Bellamy’s heart sinks in her chest, a part of her praying to the Divinities above she wouldn’t be too late. But there is another feeling swiftly overcoming the older woman. Rage bubbles up within her like the magma of a volcano, ready to erupt at any second. Her gaze, narrowed, becomes harder, and the craving to hurt, to embrace another in the dance of death, of a battle until one moved on, was rising. It wasn’t just pure malice, no, but the wrath of an angry and unforgiving mother. One who would ensure that whoever dared try to shift in a hair on her child wouldn’t have a second chance.

Bellamy exploded from the trees and the male tiger that had grabbed her tiny daughter had no chance to escape as she came from the direction he’d been planning to turn. Hell, he’d barely had time to properly turn before a guttural, feral snarl erupted from Bellamy’s lips and she made contact with his back left leg. His stumble was just the first consequence, barely able to register what had plowed into him as Bellamy wasted no time in clamping her jaws down on his thigh. There was no holding back, no mercy, as her jaws sank into flesh with all of her bite force. The cat yowled in pain, and, as a consequence, dropped the poor pup he’d thought to make an easy meal of.

Bellamy didn’t recognize that her little one was let go, however. She was gone, her gaze glazed over as she tore through the flesh of the big cat even as it rounded on her. The woman released the beast’s hip to snap her jaws toward its oncoming attack. Claws sliced across her foreleg below the shoulder but she didn’t even flinch, didn’t respond to the pain. This tiger had made the last mistake of its life by attacking her baby… and by the time she’d be done with it, its hide wouldn’t be useful for much more other than a patchy, heavily damaged rug.

"Talk, 'Think.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.