
How Much It Matters




4 Years
Chrono I

02-17-2023, 07:32 PM
The travel back to the mainlands had gone smoothly. Reila, as she had for their time away from past Fenmyrian lands, had kept the kids in check on the journey. Though they weren't much children anymore. Most of them at least. She was hoping Chimera's older children would come to visit him soon. She knew he'd like that.

Chimera had always been a busy man even through his recovery. He had all of his queens to tend to him and still children to give attention to on his better days. Not that Reila was keeping her distance or anything but she had fallen into a routine of care and left any of the more personal affections to the other women. She didn't care really, and even while Chimera wasn't feeling much up for the physical she didn't ask. Either way and sadly she'd find herself under the others. She'd always put them between her and Chimera at least when given the choice.

She had made her way back into Chimera's main den area with some freshly washed and dried pelts that needed a clean from the travels. Even with the winter, the rocks and the west let them dry pretty quickly. It seemed at that moment in time everyone had been out of the den but him when she came in. She was sure Siren and Dalila were getting an herb location settled in somewhere and Aliana may have been spending time with the kids. Reila didn't say anything when she entered, only dropping and laying out the pelts around the den. She'd roll one up to take back to her own cave den nearby but she wouldn't leave so quickly. After getting all of that out of her paws she looked over to Chimera with a gentle smile, walking over to him to put a paw on his shoulder, "How are you feeling?" She hoped the journey didn't affect his recovery. It seemed like it had been long enough since they left Fenmyre, but she'd still be worried about him.
