
Feed the flames



The Hallows

Master Fighter (241)

Expert Navigator (182)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
02-13-2023, 12:28 AM

Thorn had dropped the alpaca’s lead a moment to tug at a branch that was partially buried in the ground.  It turned out to be a root that hadn’t fully detached itself from its tree.  Almost, it was almost torn away and it was an impressive size!  Thorn twisted his head sideways, getting his teeth around the thinnest part and chomping down with all his strength.  Especially sharp teeth and strong jaws for a pup the branch actually did snap apart.  His eyes looked back to Cal as she spoke her questions.  He lifted the heavy branch in his mouth moving towards the alpaca but then dropping it with a breath to grin at Caladia.

“You bet.  I’m gonna have a great sword.  Not only that, I’m gonna learn how to make them.  All sorts of weapons.” In Thorn’s mind, it would all come to pass.  He put so much of his days into training to develop his skills it would be a shame to fail his expectations.

Caladia picked up a branch but instead of taking it towards the alpaca, she seemed to decide it would be her stick.  Thorn grinned broadly, moving back to the alpaca, taking the rope he was using to lead it, and wrapped it about a tree.  “I don’t think you’d run off but, best to be safe.”  The animal seemed content to lower its head and graze on the lush grass about.

Stepping over to Caladia he sat down near her, head tilting to consider how she stood.  “Well, I can’t say I’ve had a lot of official lessons yet.  Dad told me to carry the sword around in my mouth a lot, a whole lot so I’ve been doing that all the time.” Thorn shrugged, “well, except at moments when I can’t, like when picking up wood.”

What could he actually teach? “You want to bite lower down.  Imagine one end is the handle, about a quarter of it, then there would be the crossguard and then the actual blade of the sword.  Some swords are single bladed and others are double-bladed.  Of course, there is also the tip for stabbing.  When you grip it make sure it’s solidly in your mouth, hold tight, and try swinging it.”  

Thorn was keen on starting his real lessons in sword fighting and waiting for the day dad gave him the go-ahead.  If someone had asked Thorn what he had learned so far about fighting with a sword it would have been practically nothing.  That wasn’t true though Thorn realized.  He had been carrying a fake-wooden sword with him for a long time and made various attempts at crafting them.  Sure, the things he crafted were little more than toys but each one came with a lesson.  Each wooden sword he swung got him more used to what felt right and what position allowed for the best aim and ability to react quickly afterward.  Thorn might be a novice in swordplay but he knew more than he’d realized till now.  Maybe he’d learn a bit more by teaching someone else.

Maybe he’d even remember they’d been collecting sticks afterward.

"Thorn Carpathius"