
I Should Have Seen This Coming


10-20-2013, 12:20 PM
Kar's gentle smile remained on his face as the she wolf sat down as well. It was a minor show of trust, though with Kar he knew anything of the sort was a good thing and a step in the right direction. It was also a sign of recognition of the female's part that he wasn't going to be scared off so easily, not that he wanted to do her harm. No... Kar was a unique wolf, one who had a good heart and a gentle mind. Despite those that were in the world that were cruel, Kar did his best to deal with that and show the goodness that wolves could have in their heart. She definitely seemed a bit confused at his show of kindness. But Kar remained in his relaxed, non-threatening position. His lime green gaze noticed that she still kept her guard up slightly. A wolf who had been harmed by others over and over again would still be cautious at any show of kindness... but Kar was determined to show these types of wolves that true kindness still existed.

"Alaria... It's a very pretty name." The compliment was a geniune one. The gray, white, and black wolf dipped his head, a show of respect to the female. She had declined his offer of hunting for her, and though Kar worried that she might not be telling the truth about that he would respect her decision and not press the matter. Kar looked out over the lake for a moment before letting his gaze trail back to Alaria, his gentle smile never fading. "Wolfpaw Lake is a very beautiful place... one of the most beautiful in Alacrita that I've seen thus far. You've picked a lovely place to rest." Kar pricked his ears in her direction, wanting to make her comfortable, at least as comfortable as she could be, with simple, good natured conversation.

"Have you traveled long to get here...? Or are you, perhaps, someone who was born in these lands?"