
my existence is a sandal




Expert Fighter (180)

Expert Navigator (180)

11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
02-14-2023, 09:47 PM

The wolf raises a brow at his approach and Oscar’s smirk widens. Nugget flares his feathers as an eagle circles over-head. The prey bird does not like the big bad predator in the sky but the ass pays little mind to his companion’s worry. They exchange words and the donkey dips his head in agreement, the wolf’s impatient and gruff tone earns him a quirked brow and nothing more. Sure, it may seem stupid that a couple of barnyard animals are taking on two predators but he does have a good reason. Know thy enemy and all that jazz.

As the wolf wishes him luck, Oscar dips his head and replies simply, “Ay. And the same to you, wolf.” Another flash of flat teeth as the Nugget seizes up the eagle, intent to fight the creature and only them. Perched on the donkey’s ass, the rooster lowers its body and readies himself to spring at the eagle as soon as it gets close enough. The wolf rushes forward and it is obviously wary of his hooves. The donkey stays still, waiting to see what its first attack will be.

The wolf aims a bite toward his back, right leg and Oscar acts instantly, weight shifts into his front hooves and the right leg that is being attacked, lifts before the bite can land. It is suddenly sent hurtling toward the wolf’s face and his back end lifts slightly as Oscar aims his hoof toward the wolf’s face in an effort to make it back off. As his rump lifts, the rooster sees his opportunity and reacts.

Launching himself into the air from his perch on Oscar’s butt, Nugget aims himself toward the eagle while flapping his wings vigorously. Talons and spurs flash toward the female as Nugget aims to try and grab ahold of the eagle and drag her to the ground with him.

Oscar vs Rhysand for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large species
Build: Medium
Companion 1: Cochin rooster, Male - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Expert Navigator

"Oscar Monaghan"

Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby