
Feed the flames



The Hallows

Master Fighter (241)

Expert Navigator (182)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
02-15-2023, 01:02 AM

Thorn would remember their task later assuredly if, for no other reason, there was an alpaca nearby with some sticks ready to be carried off.  Right now his focus is excitedly on Caladia as he gets to think of what tips to offer her.  He nods as she chooses a spot for the handle and picks the ‘sword’ back up.  She proceeds to swing the stick around in some crazy arc and Thorn’s body twitches as she falls down.

“You ok?” He gives her a second to make sure she’s getting up before pointing out a few more details, “Fighting with a sword has some basic rules just like fighting without one.  You need to be in a good stance to support yourself.  You aren’t trying to see how far you can fling it either, wild strikes won’t do you any good and could give your enemy an opening.” Thanks, Tika, he still remembered her lesson from that one day on defending oneself.  “Also make sure the stick is one that isn’t too heavy to move freely nor too light to not be a good defense.”

Thorn picked up his own sword, and shifted his body into a defensive pose, shoulders squared, head even with body, ears back, and tail straight out.  He gave the sword a swing to his left, sharp and with a fluid planned motion of how far to swing.  Centering his head again he did the same thing but in the opposite direction.  This part was self-taught so perhaps could have been done better but he knew it was far better than wildly tossing one's head about.  He lowered his sword, adding to his comment, “Wild strikes are more likely to miss, and that weapon is also a tool of defense, when it's far away your neck is also more stretched out and just asking for the enemy to come in and attack.”  Some of this insight had come from generic fighting lessons but they seemed the sort that would apply equally to being used with a sword.

"Thorn Carpathius"