
Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Outta Me [RAID]


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (810)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
02-15-2023, 12:16 PM

Circling above, Gilgamesh's owl Erish twirled in the air. Her large owl eyes kept watch over her friend and his offspring. If any animal that wasn't a wolf were to come charging in, she was ready to swoop down. The same could be said for his wolverine, Urtur, who stealthily hung back in the shadows of the grasses. It was not their first raid nor Gil's. Having put in the time and gained experience, he knew better than to pay attention to his whole surroundings. He was thankful for this wisdom as he noticed a flash of a bright white dip in and out behind him.

Curious he watched the oncoming blur for a moment before realizing it was indeed another wolf. She was older and quite a bit smaller than him, but that wouldn't matter. A smirk would quickly cross his lips as he circled his butt around to face his barreling opponent. Donned with his own chainmail armor over his shoulders and chest, he leaned into her shoulder check with one of his own. As her left shoulder collided with his right shoulder, he made sure to lean down just enough that they would hopefully both end up with some good bruising.

In the same swift movement, he watched her lurch out with sharp fangs. Two could play that game! Opening his own muzzle as he pressed closer to her with his heavier body weight, Gil flipped down his fangs. Reaching out, he aimed to hopefully connect his fangs with her cheek. Nothing too serious, just a scrape as if he were giving her cheek a kiss.

Gilgamesh vs Aurielle for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Gold chainmail cuirass
Companion 1: Barn Owl, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Wolverine, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Crystal spines - Defensive
Mutation 2: Tufted deer fangs - Offensive
Skills: Master Intellectual & Master Fighter
Specialty: Blessed

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him