
herb sweet home



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
02-16-2023, 10:41 PM

Ricin slowly meanders toward the stranger, curious ruby eyes taking in the details of the man and the steaming pot of tea. Their eyes connect and the blue wolf offers a small smile to the slate and cream man, dipping his head in thanks as he joins Rhysand. Moving to the spot across from him, the blue male folds his haunches and comes to sit lightly on the ground while loosely curling his tail around his hip. Another dip of his head is given at the offer of tea and he gratefully says, “Yes, please. It smells delightful.”

Crimson eyes watch Rhysand as he moves to pour the tea and Ricin, again, hums his thanks. Once the steaming liquid is poured, the blue male allows it sit and cool, watching the fingers of steam that curl off the surface and lazily wafts up and away. While his voice has finally reached its mature stage and no longer cracks, the blue male still hesitates to speak. Where the cream male’s voice is smooth and deep, the blue wolf feels his is too high and clunky.

But, the man was nice enough to offer him tea, so, after a moment, Ricin lifts his gaze to look at Rhysand through the curling tendrils of steam and gently says, “You are new to Elysium, right? I would be happy to show you around or help with anything you need.” The smile he offers is genuine and warm. Leaning down he takes a sip of the tea and hums his approval. Looking back to the cream and slate male, he offers his thanks, “This is wonderful. Thank you… again.”

Another, almost shy smile appears and Ricin mentally kicks himself for being so awkward. Clearing his throat, he looks down at his cup and asks, “I hope you don’t mind me asking but… how did you find Elysium?”  The question is simple and Ricin is curious to find out Rhysand’s story but it is also a way to deflect any attention from himself. Ears perk forward to catch the male’s words while the blue wolf leans down to take another, warming, sip of the tea. Another low hum of approval rolls past his dark lips.

"Ricin Dauner"