
time stops in a settled snow globe



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-17-2023, 11:02 AM
There weren’t many days where Twig didn’t think about what had happened to Beat and his siblings. She missed them dearly, and hoped deep in her heart that their lives turned out much happier than the beginning. If there was a being out there to pray to, that was her deepest wish. Beyond that which lie between herself and Corvus. As time went on, she was losing hope that they would have their own family to raise. Maybe it was for the best, their children would never experience sorrow and loss.

She did find happiness and contentment as the two of them sat together quietly. As always, enjoying the beauty of the land before her was more pleasant with Corvus beside her. An activity that remained in their lives from the beginning. Corvus replied softly to her, barely disturbing the atmosphere around them. Despite the cold she felt herself agreeing with him. "Me either.” Was the easy reply as she settled in with him.

Twig couldn’t keep her question from leaving her pale lips, even if she knew she wouldn’t like the answer she was given. Corvus took a moment to think before answering. Tomorrow they would say goodbye to each other for a while. Their relationship was mature and strong, they could handle the time apart even if that wasn’t the greatest desire. "So soon.” She commented sadly. "Better to be done and over with though. No use procrastinating.” She murmured softly as Corvus leaned into her, making sure she knew just how much he was going to miss her.

"Almost as much as I’ll miss you.” Twig teased him as she welcomed the sweet affections that he offered to her. She savored the touch before turning so she could mirror those sweet kisses. "I’ll have to give you something to remember me by.” She teased him with a grin as her delicate paws lifted to wrap around his neck as she took her chance to nuzzle him back. There was beautiful scenery around them, but all she could do was focus on her love for him.

"Autumn Twig Memoire"