
that tree came outta nowhere



Intermediate Fighter (35)

Intermediate Healer (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-17-2023, 07:17 PM
Ren watched amazedly as his sire batted the vile tree back and forth with his bare paws. The pup peered curiously, wondering if perhaps Mav was showing a brave face and was actually starting to bleed on his pads. It didn’t occur to him that Maverick’s soles were calloused and built up heavily after his many years. Renegade’s pink toes were still soft and vulnerable to the sharp poking plant. Not only were the needles vile, but the trunk had small spines as well.

Maverick hummed in consideration as Renegade gave his father the run down of the dilemma thus far. There were rules that needed to be followed, but as Maverick slowly explained to him. Ren would realize there were rules, there were rules of law, and then there was bending the rules. Ren’s eyes widened in wonder as Mav went on to explain, washing dirt would be easier than hiding red cuts and scrapes on his face.

A devious grin appeared over his innocent maw, a fun mix of Klein smirk and his father’s feral expressions. Renegade knew what this meant, this was time to dig and this was the moment to grasp his victory. With a jovial ‘yah!’ the pale prince leapt at the earth beneath the devilish branches his father was holding back. The instant he even thought of digging Ren’s white coat turned dingy and by the time he was tearing through grass and soil it was hard to distinguish him as a Klein prince. He looked more akin to a mud puddle reflecting the night’s sky now.

Renegade fought against the earth and tore at roots before he had beheaded the plant completely. There would be no regrowth here, that was certain. The boy wiped a filthy paw over his forehead, making sure his white mask was equally marked with the damp smelling soil. Proud of himself and the accomplishment he puffed his chest again, excited about having shown his father exactly what he could do.

"Renegade Klein"

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1. that tree came outta nowhere Cryer's Ravine 09:11 AM, 02-10-2023 02:51 AM, 02-13-2024