
What's in your head?!

Lucette mayhaps?



Expert Fighter (186)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

02-18-2023, 10:41 PM

When I fall apart, Promise in the dark

They were both so stupidly playing with the fire of his temper and he knew it. One day they were going to get into so much trouble because he was going to snap over her being near some other male and that male showing even the slightest interest in her. It was stupid, truly stupid.

Her words did reassure him some but he was still unsure if she meant that with everything in her heart. He cracked a small smile at the thought though that maybe she did love him. He didn't deserve her love though. He was a vagabond and she was by all rights a princess now. She deserved some prince or knight not some rogue with a possession complex.

She was already coming up with plans though on how to get him to be in the pack even if her leaders didn't approve, which brought a deep chuckle too him. "A guard dog, and the first thing someone meets if they trespass you mean. I don't know if anyone would like my answer to that." Surely she had to remember that his first answer was not always diplomacy, especially when it came to her safety. It was an amusing thought though. They would figure this out though he knew. They always did.

He waited as she finally started calming down, before shifting to a more comfortable positions and coiling his much larger body around her. He was a behemoth to this pixie, and he knew it. He didn't lay his head down yet though, waiting for her to start drifting off before he spoke once more. A promise coming from his lips that he intended to keep but he wasn't sure he should. "I'm not going anywhere, promise." His head only lowering to rest on his paws once he was sure she was on her way to dreamland. His eyes remaining open for only minutes more before he drifted off himself. A big bad wolf guarding the tiny princess from the world.

-exit via sleep unless spoken to more-

Walk, "talk", Think

You'll be my nightlight

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.