
herb sweet home




2 Years
Extra large
02-19-2023, 01:59 AM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2023, 02:01 AM by Rhysand. Edited 1 time in total.)

The cerulean male accepted the offering of tea and Rhys' lips curled into a pleased smile. The pale beast was quite generous when he wanted to be, as long as others were respectful of his belongings. Something told him he did not have to worry too much about the seemingly gentle blue boy before him. There was a soothing nature to those crimson eyes that Rhysand could not ignore. But, he did not trust with such ease. Despite being pack mates, Ricin was as close to a stranger as one could get.

After preparing the bowl of piping hot tea Rhys nudged it towards his comrade. Tendrils of steam licked at the both of them before Rhys slipped away to sit before his own now drinkable tea. The slender male dipped his head downward to take a few laps at the liquid. A gentle hum of his own could be heard before green eyes flashed towards Ricin. "Cannabis and lavender tea. The Cannabis provides a thick earthy taste and calms the mind and body. Lavender is added for flavor and scent but also aids in soothing nerves." He felt the need to reveal the ingredients in case his pack mate was opposed to the nature of Cannabis. If one is sensitive to the herb it can have an adverse effect.

After taking a few more sips of the tea Rhys straightened up to give his attention to Ricin. He extended an offer to show Rhysand around which drew a small nod from the pale male, "I'd like that, thank you. I joined about a week ago." It'd be nice to have an experienced pack member show him the ins and outs of the Elysian lands.

Ricin leaned down to take his first sips of the hot tea. There was something contagious about the other male's smile and Rhys felt his own lips tug into a grin in response. It seemed the blue boy was enjoying the tea and that brought him a warm sense of pleasure. "You are very welcome."

They both enjoyed laps of their tea in a few moments of silence before blue broke it. Another question left his lips and a pale brow raised in response. There sadly was not much of a story to tell there, "Honestly, call me crazy, I merely wandered my way to the borders and called for leadership on a whim. I selected Elysium at random and it just seemed to work out. After being a loner for a time it grew exhausting and I needed a place to call home on the long term. So, here I am." Rhysand shrugged, "It's been nice so far. I haven't met too many yet since most of my time has been spent up here." Countless hours had gone into perfecting the details of his den.

Green eyes flashed with curiosity as he directed a purr of a question towards Ricin, "How did you find Elysium?"

Rhysand is a rated M character.
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