
Don't be caught offguard [Valta Meeting]



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
02-19-2023, 02:05 AM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2023, 02:05 AM by Cináed. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ciná followed the border of his new pack with Tira, an easy grin lingering on his lips as they walked the patrol route together. So far he liked Valta fine. There was nothing to really dislike about the pack itself and he wasn't all that picky about the location. It was really Tira that was making staying here worth it. He'd never had this kind of companionship before and it had him wondering how he had gone it alone for so long and made him worry a bit when it would all fall apart. He tried not to have that kind of thinking, but given the track record of his life it was hard not to. Still, he kept those doubts at bay and instead focused on how much fun he was having with this beautiful little hybrid.

Their patrol was cut a bit short, however, as a howl went out to call the pack together, making him pause and glance toward the sound before turning his gaze back down to Tira. He chuckled and smirked as she pointed out how this was his first pack meeting and nodded as she offered to lead him to where the pack usually met. Following behind her, they arrived shortly after a few others, all of them strangers to him besides Kotori. Always trying to make a good impression, he gave a polite dip of his head to the alpha before he settled in next to Tira.

He almost put his paw around her shoulders on reflex, but boy was he glad he didn't when a similarly colored woman came up to greet Tira and sit beside her. The resemblance was close enough that it wasn't hard to figure out that this was Tira's mother–as if the pointed glare he got from the protective woman wasn't telling enough. He offered the purple eyed woman a grin in response even though he did make a point not to lean into Tira through the meeting. He didn't want to look like he was intimidated by Tira's mother, but he also couldn't honestly say he wasn't. Turning his attention back to Kotori, he tried to just focus in on what was being told to them instead of worrying about what the smaller woman might do to him later.
