
When we feel free



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-19-2023, 02:26 AM

Looking down at the boy, Bellamy realized just how much of a shine she had taken to him. Just like when she had rescued Saga, the woman had felt nothing but love for the child. He was innocent, and through the harsh experience he’d already endured at such a tender age, Bellamy felt a connection with him. It was different from the connection she had with her biological children, and even different from the one she had with Saga, but the woman knew she wanted to protect him and shelter him. Bellamy wanted Rivaxsaurus and the rest of the children to grow up safely and to thrive here in Ethne. One day they would become the future of the pack, and their stories would be the ones in the spotlight. She couldn’t help but chuckle at how the boy responded to her companions. Sure they were strange little critters, but they had been with her for so long now she was used to their oddities.

Whiskers chuckled at the boy as he reached out with a warm, motherly smile on her features. “You want to catch a fish, yes, but depending on the fish you’d be surprised at how hard they can bite back, little one.” The kid was energetic, with a shine of confidence in his kind eyes that the badger found promising. He seemed curious about herself and Ears, and at his question, the Devil puffed his chest out. “I’m a Tasmanian Devil and that old lady over there is a badger.” At his jab, Whiskers scoffed. “I’m not that much older than you, Ears. I suggest you show some respect.” She might have scolded him, but Ears didn’t seem to mind. He just grinned, listening to the boy’s next question, but before either really had a chance to answer on how they had met the maned wolf, he was focused on Bells.

“Toughest kind of knight around, huh? I don’t know, you might have to content with some Kedieo pups for that title.” The woman winked, a playful smile causing her lips to turn up. “But you do look pretty tough though, so I suppose Ears, Whiskers and I will have to put you to the test.” He had questions, and plenty of them, as children often did. The woman chuckled. “I’ve never personally fished with my tail before, but I’d imagine it’s the same as trying to catch fish with a line and some bait. You’re definitely going to want to find something appealing to have around your tail. Fish are enticed by food or things that look like food. Some fish can be fooled by things that resemble worms, like thin strips of leather, but others are more clever, so you could try berries or something.” Bellamy furrowed her brow.

“The question becomes what type of bait you want to use to lure them. That’s probably the fastest and easiest part. Positioning your line, or tail in this case, over the water would be the next step. You’d want to be mindful of your shadow too. If fish see your shadow, they’ll swim away and take longer to come back to bite, so you want to move slowly so you don’t startle them.” The woman explained. “First things first. I think berries are going to be the easiest thing to find and get to stick bits on your tail… Just enough to mash around the tip though. You don’t want to end up using your whole tail and getting it wet or it might be too heavy to pull out of the water fast enough. Shall we get the berries then?”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.