
Hello there, neighbor!




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-19-2023, 02:28 AM

While Bellamy had hoped that the Hallows would have been one of the few places to escape conflict it was perhaps naive of her to wish so. The kindest packs and wolves tended to be the targets of those with darkness in their hearts. There wasn’t much surprise to hear that the Pirates had given them trouble too. Her ears flicked back at this and her gaze hardened a bit. “It seems rather commonplace for the Pirates to cause trouble with other packs.” Knowing that they had not only bothered Elysium but the Hallows as well just continued to grow her distaste for them. She doubted that this was merely the action of Ignis and that was… troubling.

At least the conversation could shift back to lighter tones with the information that Artorias’ children had been born in Boreas’ summer as well. His hopes were well received by the older woman and her expression softened. “I’m sure they’d love that. Our packs are not that far from one another, after all, and there are a good number of beautiful lands between as they age that they could meet at as well.” And truthfully the experience could be good for the older members of her pack as well. Specifically Gavroche and herself. They didn’t exactly have the same sort of pack knowledge and interaction that others they had met had.

As the Aegis spoke again Bellamy listened quietly to his words. He wasn’t wrong - Being an alpha was a blessing and a curse. She could sympathize with his views. “Your words are very true, Artorias. And… perhaps that is something I am afraid of.” The woman’s smile turned to a bit of a sad one. “I don’t have much knowledge of the ways of pack life, Hell, I’d barely consider myself to be the most well versed in communication either. But for the sake of those I care about, I’m trying, and I’m doing my best to learn as much as I can every day. Because I have to be the one at the front of it all to protect them. I want to be the one that can protect them, the one they can count on.” Her gaze softened. “...and so I understand the struggle not to rise up against the things you find despicable in a proactive manner all too well.” She drew in a breath with a shake of her head. There… there would be exceptions.

Bellamy listened as Artorias gave what information he had about the new alpha. A woman named Medusa, a former slave… and yet… as he spoke Bellamy did not feel sympathy. Instead she felt anger. That anger flashed in her eyes, and her emotion escaped her in a hiss. “That’s wrong.” The words were spoken in a low voice, a growl of frustration as her face twisted to betray the conflicted emotions she felt. Even as a slave, Bellamy had not been one who’d been able to stomach the idea of harming someone for simply being related to the Empress whose soldier’s had stolen everything from her. Could she have seen the slave taking revenge on Recluse alone? Perhaps. She didn’t know the nature of why Medusa had become a slave, or if Recluse was free of blame, but making further wrongs never made a right. “I sincerely doubt all of them had anything to do with her slavery, if many of them at all.” She fought to reign in her anger, to listen to Artorias as he finished by presenting the stance the Hallows had taken.

“Ethne would never side with such a wolf, nor those who would willingly stand by and support those ideals as others suffered.” The Leader of the small pack had bristled. “Like the Hallows we may not opt to strike first, but I agree with your resolve, Artorias. Should Medusa show at our borders I too will fight for the freedom of those Habari members.” Bellamy kept her gaze on his own, showing the sincerity of her words. “Sanctuary or not, if I can do something to help those undeserving of that fate, I will do so, with every last bit of my strength if necessary.” She might not have started out as the best wolf, even if that wasn’t through choice of her own. But she would not be one to ignore those who needed the same sort of help she did back then. She’d fight for them like she wished others would do for her and, if they needed a place to stay and recover, she would not turn them away.

And, without Bellamy realizing it, a spark of her youth had roared into flame. But… would she be able to contain it before it burned into a fire that sent her marching to Medusa’s doorstep instead?

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.