
Tiger Food?




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-19-2023, 02:31 AM

Bellamy had lost herself. She became the beast she’d been trained to be, a killer who responded with ruthless attacks and no sense of mercy. She had yet to register that her daughter was “okay”. All the woman knew was that she had heard Haydée’s screams, the terror that filled her, and the woman’s vision faded to red as she tore into the one who would dare try to harm her little one. Even as the fight rages on, fangs and claws both tearing into her opponent and scoring against her, Bellamy doesn’t register the pain. The truly berserk style of fighting the woman was known for in her youth shines through and she doesn’t allow her opponent any opportunity to try and flee. Her sole focus is on the tiger, not even recognizing the species of her opponent, only that it must bleed. It must bleed, and it must die. She can’t give it another chance.

Chunks of flesh are torn and fur flies and, as Bellamy fights, she does become aware of movement coming toward the tiger. Instinct screams at her to trust it, that the blur is a friend, and she does not change course to intercept it. Instead, the blur of brown fur latches onto the paw of the beast before her, and, in the beast’s split focus, Bellamy sees the opening it has presented to her. Bellamy lunges for the tiger, knocking the scrawny beast from its paws. Even as it falls to the earth Bellamy’s jaws seek its neck. Fangs graze her cheek in a counter strike, but Bellamy uses a forepaw to tear the beast’s jaws away. She attacks again, this time brutally and without hesitation tearing the Tiger’s throat away from it. Yet, even with the Tiger dead, and as her companions come running, Bellamy does not stop. She tears into the beast, unaware of the tears that had formed in her eyes that now run down her cheeks. Unaware of the terror underneath the rage she was feeling. Terror for her daughter, and the fact that she could have lost her. Terror that, as she came back, would come crashing down around her.

“Bells!” Ears calls out to the woman as he and Whiskers approach. They are aware of the state she is in, especially Ears, having stood alongside Bellamy through some of the darkest days of her life.He makes for the woman’s side, hoping to snap her back into reality while Whiskers makes a beeline for the woman’s daughter in the foliage.  

Concern reflects in the badger’s eyes as she slows down. She can smell the blood from the fight, as well as the little one’s injuries and the strong scent of fear. Whiskers approaches the girl slowly, her voice soft, trying to soothe the pup even as Bellamy’s snarls rumble behind them. “Haydée, are you alright? It will be okay, little one… Come here next to me. I’m sure your father will be along at any moment.”[/color] But how hurt was the pup? She looked tired… but could that have just been from the stress of the ordeal?

"Talk, 'Think.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.