
And so we meet




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-19-2023, 02:35 AM

The man before her greeted the woman, and Bellamy returned his smile in kind. He indeed had a reputation, with a title like Warlord and as alpha of one of the most successful packs she knew of in Boreas she’d be more surprised if there was an alpha who didn’t at least know of him and his pack in passing. To her knowledge, most alphas seemed more informed on the things going in the world, and this naturally meant other packs as well. She had catching up to do as a leader, but she was willing to put in the work. She had already met with a couple other alphas, made some firm decisions about less savory packs, and she had hopes that the meeting with Sirius could end on a positive note as well.

“It is a pleasure,” Bellamy began. “...and yes, you are correct. Ethne is a newly formed pack. My mate and I were once members of Menagerie, under Wren. We weren’t there for long, but we heard of you and your pack through her. And again through a meeting with your son, Kotori.” The woman explained. He hadn’t asked for an explanation on how she had heard of him, but it tied in with their history in belonging to Menagerie at one point. But… had they really belonged there? Bellamy’s smile faltered and faded away.

“I am uncertain of what happened with Wren… but with her disappearance it left me, my mate, and my children without a home. I had been pregnant at the time, but I had decided it was time to take matters into my own paws. I searched the lands for a suitable place for us to call home, gave birth, and even went to challenge the alpha of a pack in the west with some wall surrounding them… but unfortunately fate saw fit to pull me from getting the pack that way. I’m sure you are familiar with the Pirates? One of their members walked off with one of my children, and as much as I wanted to secure a place for us, I could not allow myself to risk injury in that battle when I needed to get her back.” A bit of information on why she had left that challenge, needed or not. Was she being too long winded? Probably. But that was her way.

“In time we managed to find ourselves here in Auster, and I raised the pack from the ground up and brought my daughter home, where she belongs.” Bells drew in a breath. “That is the history leading to our creation. I have created Ethne with the intent of creating a pack for the different, the misfits and those without family that don’t seem to fit in elsewhere. A place to celebrate our differences and turn them into our strengths. We are a family bound not by blood, but bond. A place where rank is a formality, and we can see each other on the same level, doing what we must to survive. Regardless of rank or belief I firmly believe every wolf is able to pull their weight in some form, for the betterment of themselves and the pack as a whole.

Ideally, I would like us to support ourselves through self sufficiency and trade, rather than taking from others. But with the pirates and a pack that believes enslaving a woman’s family in revenge is acceptable, I’m questioning how long we may be able to remain a neutral party of sorts.”
The woman frowned deeply. “I would not risk the pack by striking them first, but I will be damned if I didn’t say we wouldn’t retaliate if they came to our door. I am a firm believer in using whatever force is necessary when fighting wolves like that. And as for Medusa, regardless of her reason for coming to this pack, she will be facing me personally in combat on an alpha vs alpha level. Her actions are inexcusable.” Not to mention Ethne didn’t have the numbers to support a proactive stand. Most of their members were children. A fact she couldn’t exactly hide if others came sniffing around their borders. Ethne might have been small, and not eager to start conflict, but she wasn’t sure she’d necessarily call them truly neutral either. They just needed to be smart about how they stood.

“If I may, I’d like to ask about the Armada as well, from its Warlord. I am aware of it being part of a larger empire of packs, as well as hosting a public market with quite the skilled blacksmith. One that a friend has said even her daughter would recommend over her own skills. But second hand information, while it can come from truths, is still secondhand, yes?” It was always better to hear straight from the source.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.