
gold runs in our blood

resin <3



2 Years
Extra large
02-19-2023, 02:44 AM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2023, 02:45 AM by Rhysand. Edited 1 time in total.)

As the small fae lifted from her spot of rest and drew closer Rhys was able to take her in fully now. The moonlight washed over her fragmented pelt, accentuating both the purity of the white and the vibrancy of her midnight blues. Her fur painted an interesting picture. The white seemed to fight for it's claim against the darker hues, dappling it's way along her form in desperation. It seemed this partial albinism was a fairly common trait in Wolves in Boreas. Another unique trait of these strange creatures. - Speaking of oddities, the tail on the femme was long and lavish, unlike anything he'd seen before. It swayed through the air moving from one hip to the next, extending all the way to her front paws. A motion he could watch endlessly.

Rhysand mulled over her supple tones as she moved closer. As the distance between them closed Rhysand kept his pale green gaze settled on her own mismatch orbs. The closeness did not make him nervous, no, he enjoyed breaking down those meaningless boundaries. Now he could really take in those subtle movements as she spoke and enjoy that thick feminine scent that now landed on his greedy pink tongue. A name was offered and he allowed it to weave through his mind. "A pleasure, Scylla."

Scylla's next question brought Rhys to think for but a moment before answering. "It's been quite enjoyable thus far." A pause as a delighted grin tugged at pale lips. "Most of my time thus far has been spent sorting out my den. I'm a perfectionist to a fault, I can endless move things around and the finishing touches just seem to continuously roll in." He was a male who loved his things. Beautiful baubles, trophies, luxurious pelts, and much more. Rhysand had a hunger for anything pretty. "But, I've decided it is time to rip myself away from my cave to begin training and mingling with others." His grin grew into a slinky smirk, "I mustn't allow myself to become a hermit." He could never slip into such a way of life. Rhysand was a social creature. He did not trust many but enjoyed building small relationships.

Ceasing his seemingly endless yapping the male turned the attention towards the Klein, "Do you enjoy Elysium?"


Rhysand is a rated M character.
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