
Fight Training! [Armada Warriors]



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-19-2023, 03:04 AM

Being near Andy always made Charlie feel better. His purple-furred sibling had such a positive energy about her, and as she leaned into him and whispered the boy gave a smile. He certainly wasn’t one of the more ambitious of Sirius’ children, but he had hoped by deciding to take an interest in fighting that he was moving in the right direction. At the very least he wanted to be able to pull his weight in the pack and do something beneficial for the Armada. Sure he was having a later start than some of his siblings but it was better late than never, right? Plus… he thought about the defensive battle accessory his mother had left him. An armor piece he would wear with pride once he was fully grown. For now, he needed to focus on the basics, and figuring out where his skills and strategies in battle might lay.

As Gossamer spoke another older wolf trailed in as well as another pup. Charlie glanced toward them but didn’t say anything to them. The older one seemed extremely grumpy and as Andromeda shifts a little closer to him he draws closer to her as well in a protective manner, narrowing his eyes slightly at the other male. Charlie didn’t recognize the action as a protective one, or even realize he did it, but it revealed some of his nature. He let his eyes flick back to Gossy though as she posed her question. He wasn’t thrilled with the answer, but he would answer honestly.

“No… but I’m ready to learn as much as I can.” The boy shifted on paws and glanced at Andy. He was sure she could teach him some things too.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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1. Fight Training! [Armada Warriors] Soul Sand Cove 03:20 PM, 12-31-2022 06:13 AM, 11-05-2023