
whale of a tail



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-19-2023, 03:27 AM

Near every morning Incubus would get up bright and early to do a routine patrol of one of Ashen's borders. This was to ensure nothing breached the invisible wall of scent in the dark hours of night. He made it his priority to ensure there were no trespassers and to keep a mental note of the comings and goings of the pack. If he was meant to be a Samurai, the defenders of Ashen, he'd need to make such his business. Not that he really cared to be nosey, it was strictly business.

On this particular morning he was padding along the beach. He remained in the tree line, not fond of the wind that came with the shore. This was one of the less frequented borders. Most that came here were merely visiting for recreation. But, it was still a border that needed monitoring. Especially with the Ravine being home to Venom and her brood, as well as many other pack members.

As Incubus padded along a scent moved his way. Mixed into the salty air was the fresh smell of pup. A royal puppy at that. A tiny grin flicked at his lips as pale eyes scanned the area before him. It did not take long for Inc to find the source. A small, pale, pup sat upon the slippery rocks near the sea. Waves crashed at the rocks surrounding him and a bit of worry swam through the Uncle. One big wave could wash little Renegade away. Thus, the inky Klein moved to approach his nephew.

Trotting into ear short Inc tossed deep tones into the air, "Good morning Renegade." A toothy grin stained dark lips as carefully placed steps allowed Incubus to draw closer. Easily maneuvering along the slick rocks to take a sat next to his youthful kin. "Your Mother would have my head for allowing you to sit on these slippery rocks." Inc moved his gaze towards the ocean, "Do be careful." With the warning of caution out of the way Incubus allowed the mood to shift into something more light hearted. "What a beautiful home we have."

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]

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1. whale of a tail Cryer's Ravine 03:29 PM, 02-16-2023 07:40 AM, 02-17-2024