
Good ol fashioned stress relief

Alastor <3



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
02-19-2023, 08:49 PM

As Alastor charged forward toward their prey, Manea did as well, the two of them moving with well oiled accuracy as he moved wordlessly to the right and she shifted to the left to flank their prey. She trusted Alastor to handle the cow while she focused her attention on the rest of the heard as the panicked bellows began to go up around them and the pounding of hooves filled the valley. One of the bulls initially tried to rush at her with a swing of large horns, but a rush of her own with violet fur bristled and furious snarls from her made the bull hesitate and a hard bite on its ankle made it reconsider what was worth saving. The bull made a clumsy turn back toward the others as they began to make a retreat, abandoning the cow and leaving her to her hunters. Just as she was about to turn and check on Alastor, she had to dodge out of the way to avoid being knocked into by a fleeing calf and she blinked with momentary surprise as she watched it go.

Turning her aqua gaze toward Alastor, she quickly pieced together that Alastor had purposefully let the calf go–perhaps even scaring it off before he went to grapple with its mother–but there wasn't enough time right now to really dwell on it. For now she needed to help bring this buffalo down. Pivoting back toward their target, she darted around with a few long, graceful strides until she could find an opening near the cow's front legs. She made sure to go for one on the opposite side from where Alastor was currently grappled on her side so that when the leg crumpled it wouldn't send the cow down on top of him. Sharp tiger-like claws swiped out and cut clean through the tendons at the elbow joint in the cow's leg, making it immediately buckle under its weight with a pained cry. She easily danced out of the way to avoid the falling buffalo, their prey hitting the ground with a heavy thud, and she quickly moved around to its hind legs to made similar cuts to its hind legs so if it tried to stand it wouldn't get far. It would have been easy enough for her to go right in for the throat instead, but she wanted Alastor to have this. He needed this kill and this whole trip was for him so she stood at the ready to help him as he finished off the kill.

"Manea & Alastor Mendacium"