Better Late Than Never
02-21-2023, 01:32 AM
Corbie was working with Ayer to skin several small predators that had thought to try for Avalon's stores - a few young weasels who hadn't been having luck hunting so they'd risked trying to steal instead, and a bobcat that had been killed trying to kill a stray lamb - when a call came for her from the border. She left the kinkajou to continue skinning them, and would hopefully be back in time to help salt and stretch them and not leave Ayer to do all the work. She trotted out to the border, catching sight of the woman there. "Hello," she said politely, studying the other woman in faint puzzlement. "Welcome to Avalon. I'm Corbie, alpha here. How can I help you?"
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times