uh oh spaghettios!
rexx <3
02-21-2023, 09:34 PM
Rexx tilted his head as the mysterious purple girl curled inward, seemingly making herself smaller. Did he really seem so scary to others? Perhaps he did - it was something he took pride in, after all, to be seen as intimidating and dangerous. However, despite all the traits he'd gotten from his father in particular, he also wasn't always a bully. He was actually quite gentlmanly when need be, as in this situation. The poor gal hurt her paw - she was essentially helpless, whether she admitted that or not. Rexx would be as cordial as could be, and hopefully help her out if she so allowed him. She proceeded to murmur something in a strange language, and the burly calico furrowed his brow in clear confusion. She then corrected herself, apologizing as she looked down at the paw that appeared a bit swollen compared to the others. Not that Rexx was anything close to a healer, but he wasn't going to let her succumb to the flurries that continuously rained down upon them. He glanced about, noticing a small cave close to the Fjord's stony cliffs. It was obscured by foliage and just barely visible, but as Rexx squinted through the snowfall he had an idea. "Don't worry about it, I can help!" He said confidently, his nub tail offering an eager wag. He aimed to lower himself towards her side, adding, "Here, uh..you can lean against me if you need to. There's a cave just a little ways away. I can get us there and we can wait for the storm to pass - then we can get ya home!" He grinned, hoping he wasn't looking all too threatening now. Sure, his tusks were formidable and sharp, his crystal spines were a clear cut warning of his capabilities (and why he couldn't roll over like a normal wolf, so sleeping on his back was impossible). But he wasn't all too bad. Even as a Pirate - he could be nice if he wanted to, and generous like he was now. |