
Silent Whispers


10-20-2013, 05:49 PM

Ely immediately came to the white knight, fawning over him with kisses, nips and nuzzles. Clearly she had missed him. Demonio would return her attentions, nuzzling his daughter with tender affection. She smelled particularly different. He expected it since she had probably been all over alacritis, but smelled like another predator. What exactly had she been doing while she'd been out and about? Once she was calm she would back up, seating herself between the white knight and the strange chocolate boy. It was then that he would notice how she wheezed, as if she were sick. She would smile at them both, raising a paw to point at her throat, coughing in the process. She was sick? Since when?

The earthen boy would voice the question that was circling the ivory man's mind. She had to be sick. There was no other explanation as to why she would be pointing at her throat while not being able to speak properly. The boy would then turn his attention towards Demonio, realizing that he hadn't introduced himself. I'm Kaveh, Elysia's brother. And you are? Brother. Ely had a brother? She had never mentioned that...maybe she hadn't known either? It's a pleasure to meet you Kaveh, I am Elysia's adoptive father. I took her in several seasons ago when she first came here to Alacritis.

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