
Its nice to see home again.(rejoining)


10-20-2013, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 12:17 PM by Thane.)
A small smile graced the man's lips as he listened to his son. A small nod was given. He took his boy's words to heart, for they were as wise as his own.

"Agreed, they will know soon, for I need all three of you to help...I'm also afraid that something else is going on beside this." he said before pondering what to say next.

"I'm sure you are aware of the tensions between Glaciem and our pack. A war is on the brim, a seige. I find that I will most likely join the fight along with the others from here and Seracia. But I won't be too deep in the trouble. I am most likely to inform Tortuga of the war. I do not know of when anything will take place but it will happen soon..." he said in a serious tone.

"You and your siblings and mother will most likely stay at home. If...if anything is to happen to me I will need you and your siblings to aid your mother. Other than that I will most likely return home, hopefully standing victorious alongside the others." he said before leaning forward to take his boy and pull him close before releasing him.

Many things were happening so fast. The man hoped he and many others of those who would fight in the war would return home safely. Thane could not imagine a life without his family...along with them having a life without him. But this all worried him deeply, he wanted to make they would all be safe at home. This brought up an idea;perhaps he would propose an idea of having a few warriors stay back at home to guard those at the pack. That thought brought up memories he had thought he had forgotten...during his first war before losing everything and coming to the lands of Alacritis is what worried him most, the experience. All of the warriors going to war leaving those at the pack lands. After the retreat they all came back to dead bodies. a shiver ran up the male's spine. Thane surely did not want that to happen again. he couldn't let a war tear apart his family again. This was all too familiar now. Watching his father die in battle, going home to find his mother and sister dead, everyone, dead.

With a small sigh the man would suffer in silence, letting the thoughts of many run throughout his mind.