
i believe i can fly



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

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5 Years
Dire wolf
02-22-2023, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2023, 08:24 PM by Shuriken. Edited 2 times in total.)
The young princess Kiyohime had grown up chasing doves on her home island for as long as she could remember. Though fish made up a majority of her diet, she had a certain taste for fowl and poultry. To her bird, Phoenix’s alarm. After so long together the golden bird had become desensitized to his master’s hunting and often joined her in both assisting her hunts and eating alongside her. Though he was no bird of prey, the golden pheasant had his purpose along with the dog, Tanto. The white Akita was a fearsome hunter, and an indispensable asset to Ike’s solo hunts.

Adapting to these new lands didn’t take her so very long, she still had opportunities for fishing. Many of the species were similar to those found around the Ashen islands. The birds however, were a different story. She hadn’t seen a single white dove at all, but instead the little mouse gray forms of rock doves. They were a little smaller, but their behavior was incredibly similar to the birds at home. Ike had a hunch they would taste very similar as well. Now when it came to most birds the best time to harvest was right before the moment the young fledged the nest. They were the most tender morsels.

This was not the season for dove babies though, so Shuriken was on the hunt for the softly cooing adults. They were very cute birds, but the cuter they were the tastier they would be. Once a small flock was found within a break in the canopy, overlooking the stream that ran through the ravine. Phoenix wasn’t much of a flier, but he lunged into the air and effortlessly made his perch upon the tree limbs with the rock doves.

At the same time Ike and Tanto took their positions on the ground. The birds were rather far up, but similarly to how she would use nets on fish, she could use nets on birds. She and her hunting dog were quiet and they moved slowly, but with purpose. Careful to never really look at the birds. They weren’t used to being hunted by wolves yet so she and the dog had plenty of time to set themselves up as ready before the golden pheasant came into play.

The great gilded bird suddenly took off, playing against the dove’s natural instinct to flock. They followed Phoenix to their own demise, right into the net that Ike and Tanto threw. With a victorious bark both canines rushed forward to dispatch their kill and begin the processing.

Wc 429

"Kiyohime Shuriken Oritsu Klein"

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1. i believe i can fly Cryer's Ravine 08:22 PM, 02-22-2023 03:35 AM, 02-13-2024