
I never fell so hard in love


10-20-2013, 06:05 PM

His voice, it streamed into her sensitive auds, speaking of affection, love. Something she had never thought she would have, and yet it had suddenly fallen right into her grasp, and she had taken it, without a doubt, she would never let it go. Stepping forwards, she ran her willowy frame down Magnus' flank, circling him like a demon, a predator, yet her only feelings at the moment were love. Her voice would fall from obsidian lips, and fill the air with it's gentle whispering tone, her faint accent adding to her charm as she spoke. "I love you too, Magnus Bane." She told him, her muzzle close to his face as she whispered in his ear. A kiss was placed on his cheek, and a chuckle fell from her lips. Looking around her, the ivory she wolf tapped the dual toned man on the flank with her long, silky banner. "Come along now, let's go. I'm sure Song would be glad to hear this news, and I have a friend who would like very much to meet you." She told him, smiling and trotting forwards, melting into the shadows of the forest. All that remained of her was the scent of lavender and ginger, and the warmth of her body, that faded quickly.

.:Aurora--Dramatic Exit:.