
Let Me Burn You


10-20-2013, 07:30 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2013, 07:39 PM by Gael.)

The other men would come; no one could deny his uncle's call. Not now that he was the second alpha. Four other men, including Cormalin their beta, would arrive at the scene, not exactly as prompt as he had been, but they had managed to make it in a reasonable amount of time. His uncle would take a moment to first thank the group before him for having arrived. The young Adravendi would simply dip his muzzle down in silent acknowledgement, knowing that Syrinx still had more that he had to say. Gael, you press forward the strongest in this pack and understand your place even if you don't always hold your tongue. I respect you --oddly enough-- and I am asking that you give your life to Valhalla. You will war and defend anyone challenged for when Glaciem comes, you will not strike against them first. You will stand and wait. Will you defend Valhalla as heir? If I fail in what you will see me attempt, it is your duty to challenge for Azalea. It your responsibility to bring your sister home. His secondary alpha respected him. That was something he hadn't expected to hear from his uncle, given the bad first impression he had given the day he had returned from his worldly travels. Syrinx was asking him to fight for Valhalla, to fight for his family and...he was being promoted to heir...

Heir. Heir. Wasn't Aza heir? Speaking of Aza, he hadn't seen his russet faced sister around for quite some time. Where had she gone off to? His uncle was going to attempt something, but as far as what it was he hadn't had a clue, but if the russet man was to fail, they he would challenge for Aza. He had to bring her home...Glaciem had taken his sister?! I accept Uncle. I will be Valhalla's heir and I will defend our home with my life. Aza will be home with us soon. I swear it. There was an edge to the young Adravendi's voice, though the seriousness was unmistakable. It was time to man up. Gone were the days that he was babied by his mother and had simple spats with his sister. His sister had been taken by their enemy and Gael had to get her back. He only hoped that his uncle would succeed in whatever he was trying to do.

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