
Don't be caught offguard [Valta Meeting]



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-25-2023, 07:01 PM

Kotori watched as the first wolf on the scene as  Tove arrived silently and with a look of edginess about the group setting.  Kotori noticed that bear claw still around the neck and felt satisfied with how his plan had worked out on giving her that little thing.  He imagined she’d see soon enough why this meeting would interest her.  He watched Athena arrive and sit apart from the aloof Tove.

Strix showed up followed by the interesting sight of Satira and Cinaed moving to sit by themselves.  Asla appeared and confirmed that he wasn’t the only one questioning how close this relationship went.  Where Kotori was simply curious it seemed Asla already had some doubtful opinions about the matter.  If there really was a growing relationship there Kotori imagined Asla would be making sure Cinaed was worthy enough to be a mate for Satira.  

Sanna, one of their newer members showed up followed by Indigo, a hint of Aia in the wolf's dense mane.  There towards the end was Arcturus and Vanille.  Excellent, everyone showed up for the meeting.  Hopefully, they were all excited by what he had to share.

“Thank you for all showing up promptly.”  Not that showing up late or missing out had been an option but Kotori imagined it was good to show approval of a task done properly.  “We’ve grown in numbers well over this last season.  Hopefully, you’ve all had a chance to meet and get to know each other better.  Valta is going to have an opportunity to prove how strong we are and part of strength is knowing how to work well as a team, and as a pack.” Some of the Valta wolves clearly weren’t as naturally sociable as others so it seemed a nudging reminder might be a good idea.  

“Valta is going to be raided,” Kotori confirmed what others had already heard mentioned. “Our allies, the Elysium pack, brought up the suggestion of a practice raid which I have agreed to.  These are our friends so do not attempt for any attacks that would result in permanent damage.  Go for a clean and obvious win and then see if there are any other targets left.”  

“When I chose wolves to join Valta, I chose those who I believed in.  I believe in every one of you to carry out your task well.” Kotori grinned as he added, “Losing team has to prepare a feast for the winners.  So I’m counting on all of you to make sure Elysium has to do a lot of hunting to fill up all our bellies.”  A desire to win for the sake of pride and the need to better themselves in case of a real raid should be enough to have everyone do their best but a prize could add a spice of fun to it.

“Be sure to keep your senses sharp on those patrols.  I’d hate to hear that we let the Elysium wolves catch us by surprise when we already knew a raid was coming.”  Would the pack take a straight line from their land to Valta or circle around for a different point of attack?  Kotori was assuming it would be from a different angle but there were plenty of hiding places from that route that could be used to get in close if a sharp eye wasn’t kept. “Partner up on your patrols.  If they are trying to move quietly and aren’t aware they’ve been spotted one of you can leave to pass on the message so more can gather and we can start the attack as a larger group.”  That way it wouldn’t end up with a lot of wolves against one lone.  That might or might not end up playing out well but it would be nice.  

Kotori had been in many fights but this was going to actually be his first time in a raid as well so this would be a learning experience for him as well.  He’d thought over the basics, and they all sounded well.  “If you come up with any questions on preparing for the raid or what you need to do you can speak with Aslatiel.  I have full trust in her experience and knowledge to assist anyone who needs it.”  Asla had already been helpful in supporting the pack when he had ventured off to the hallows.  The truth was she was likely more experienced in matters of a raid than he was.  

"Kotori Fatalis"

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]