
Testing - sorry bear



02-26-2023, 02:25 AM
Blood means little, if anything, to Sanna. Putting one ahead of another just because they were related to someone else? It didn't make sense in her mind. Respect is earned. Trust would be even harder earned, but she'd gotten off on an alright foot with Kotori... so it seemed. No one had threatened her yet, no one had tried to harm her. The infection that had begun to form in the wound on her hind leg was treated well, and for that she was grateful. Not one to owe anyone anything, she was glad to accompany Kotori to find something to fight as soon as possible.

It took some time and a bit of a hike to find something worth fighting. Was the land that well maintained, that safe? Sanna quietly took note of it. She was grateful that her companion didn't feel the need to fill the silence between them with chatter, with smalltalk. It wasn't her style, and frankly, it bored her. Better to keep her forcus on tracking some sort of predator. They caught scent of the bear at what seemed like the same time. She gave a simple nod at the suggestion, head lowering, posture shifting. Sanna tracked the bear carefully, quietly.

Kotori charged head on, and Sanna couldn't stifle the slow suffering sigh. She did not have the same size advnatge he did, and she would have liked time to assess the situation before diving in head first. Still, she was okay to follow his lead. Sanna swung wide, moving to flank the creature while Kotori had it distracted. Hard and fast, Sanna moved to attack the back of the creature's knee. Her teeth dug deeply into the flesh, and her attack was savage. In combat, the girl is not quiet, and she does not shy from the brawl before her. The girl's plan is to cripple the predator first, and then more easily end things.
