
I Feel It Everyday




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
02-26-2023, 03:09 PM
Arc grinned and chuckled when Vanille insisted that she hadn't forced him out here and he responded with a soft, doubtful hum, but the playful grin he wore showed he was merely joking. Of course she hadn't forced him to take some time away, he and wanted this for both of them, but it was still her idea and her initiative that had made this happen. He appreciated her for it regardless. As she wrapped around his foreleg and reached up toward his muzzle, he leaned down to meet her half way, pressing his lips to hers to return the tender kiss she offered. He had never thought of himself as a very affectionate wolf, but Vanille had brought out so many different sides of him and made him realize so much about himself in their time together. He knew he wouldn't be this way with anyone else, but he was just happy being able to have someone he could be so relaxed and comfortable with.

As their kiss broke and Vanille mentioned how it was cold out, Arc smirked and chuckled at her not so subtle hint at what she wanted. "Well, I certainly can't have you getting cold," he teased as he slipped his foreleg out of her grasp long enough to drape it around her as he shifted onto his side. He scooped her up into his embrace easily, pulling her much smaller frame into his own with the plush fur of his mane that trailed down his chest acting like a pillow for her. Now that he was fully matured his fur had grown out into a full lion's mane with the trail of longer fur tapering off at the bottom of his chest. Sometimes it felt like his excess fur got in the way or was more trouble than it was worth, but it wasn't so bad when he was getting to be an extra source of warmth and comfort for Vanille. His large paws slipped around her slender frame, holding her snuggly to him while his head rested on the fur they were laying on and he looked down at her affectionately, a little grin lingering on his lips.

"Arc & Vanille"