
Loss Never Gets Easier




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
02-26-2023, 11:15 PM

Truly it always seemed like there was never a moment of joy that wasn't followed with some sort of devastation. Perhaps it was just the curse of their family to be so gifted and blessed that misfortune always found a way to rear its ugly head in response. She had been so thrilled and proud of her brother for finally finding his own way, for seeing what he wanted in Ikigai and making her his priority. She knew he wasn't an easy one to tie down and had honestly feared the worst for the fledgling relationship, especially after how he had treated her so early on in their time together, but Deimos had surprised her and turned things around. This litter that they had been so proud to tell her about had felt like the perfect conclusion, something that both of their families could be excited for and something to bring them even closer together. Every litter was an exciting occasion for the Mendaciums–which meant that the loss of one was even more devastating.

She had noticed how quickly the pair had returned from what was supposed to be a trip to visit Ikigai's family, but their absence around the island and the way that they kept to their den spoke to the fact that something had gone awry. She decided not to press her brother for information, leaving the pair be until Deimos finally approached her almost a week later. The news had knocked the air out of her and she deeply mourned with her brother the same way she would have mourned the loss of one of her own children. Yes, the news that Deimos had asked Ikigai to take their name was a wonderful thing and she was even more proud of him for not running from this pain and instead dedicating himself even more to his mate, but she still knew that she had to go see Ikigai for herself. She had made a promise to take care of Ikigai like she was one of her own and so far she didn't feel as if she was truly living up to that promise.

Manea approached the den that Ikigai shared with Deimos, crossing paths with her brother as he was just leaving to go hunt. She shared a nod with him, asking him quietly for some time alone with Ikigai, and then watched him go before she stepped into the den herself. She gave Ikigai a gentle smile as she came to join the other woman where she was. "I'm so sorry for what's happened," she told her quietly as she settled beside her sister-in-law. "I would have come to see you sooner, but Deimos only just told me. How are you feeling?"

"Manea Mendacium"