
Can't Stay Away


10-20-2013, 09:11 PM

She had been one hundred percent right. A snarl curled back her brothers lips, obviously it was a touchy subject. Words spilled venomously from his lips, a threat carried him a step closer. She knew better than to show any sort of emotion in front of her brother, especially fear. A simple tilt of her crown allowed her to meet her brothers heated gaze. The little bitch had hurt him, hurt him in a way he had never experienced before.

"I'm pregnant, not defenseless Demyan." Words fell neutrally from her dark jaws, she had no desire in fighting with her brother tonight, she was exhausted. "You haven't been down this far in some time, what has kept you?" It was attempt at idle conversation, intended to cool her brothers fire, but she knew he would mostly likely shoot it down with harsh words. Oh well. It didn't matter either way, she would enjoy his company if he chose to behave or they would part their separate ways. It was all up to him and his temper.

Cena sat beside her, cyan gems shooting little daggers at the brute though she didn't make a sound as her thin tail twitched behind her. The silver temptress remained beneath her brothers gaze, though now allowing her limbs to stretch out beside her, shifting her growing frame off joints and tendons and onto her side. A brow lifted only millimeters as she eyed the mammoth man before her.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"