
salt in the wound



Expert Navigator (200)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipUnderachieverAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Lighting McQueen1KPride - Pansexual
02-27-2023, 12:37 PM
Kaija felt the feline wriggling beneath her, and she didn't bother to try to stop her. She wasn't here to hurt anyone after all, just to find Ophie, and even if she didn't like the whole pack lifestyle thing she understood it. Understood she was trespassing. The consequences be damned - it was all worth it to make sure Ophie was okay.

Breathing hard, she tried to stand, but the weight of the larger wolf came down square between her shoulders and kept her down even as she tried to squirm free. The attempt was futile, and after a moment she stilled. "No," she reiterated, her own voice hard. Was she afraid of what this monstrous wolf could do to her? Most definitely. She was foolish, but not completely stupid. Acting afraid wouldn't get her anywhere though. There was no point.

"I'm looking for Ophie," Kaija explained, her voice as level as she could keep it. Maybe this guy was one of the wolves keeping her prisoner here? But no, Kaija hadn't caught even a whiff of her best friend's scent here. It was seeming increasingly more likely that she gone gone, not deep within Armada territory.

"I haven't seen her for a long time and I'm getting worried. Really worried. It's not like her to go off on her own. Hell, I had to all but beg her to go climb a mountain with me-" Kaija explained, a little hurriedly, but trying to get her point across before she was cut off. The worry in her voice was unmistakable. "Anyway, she's not around and hasn't been for awhile and she hasn't been answering my calls and I needed to make sure she wasn't here somewhere. She's okay, right? She's gotta be." Not quite pleading, but Kaija sounded a little desperate, more so as she tried to twist her neck around and get a better look at Sirius. She'd take whatever punishment this behemoth would send her way - she cared much more about getting information about Ophie and making sure she was okay. Any amount of pain was worth it for that.