
This Is A Seasonal

Oscar, Kyren, Coyotes



Expert Fighter (180)

Expert Navigator (180)

11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
02-27-2023, 08:39 PM

The day has been normal for the small herd of unusual creatures. As they normally do, the group has split up to gather their daily food, the herbivores going one way while the giant lioness goes her own. Hooves carry the donkey through the forest as she thinks about how very considerate Taiga is to not to eat meat in front of them. Here, under the thick canopy of the tall forest, the snow isn’t as thick and the small donkey is having a much easier go of walking. Green stalks peak their heads above the patches of white and he uses his hooves kick up some of the powder and reveals the grass underneath. With his food freed of its wintery rest, the ass reaches down to crop at it with his long, flat teeth.

Nugget sits in his normal perch, keeping watch from the ass’s… well ass, for any threats. This winter has been rough for predators and prey alike and, the donkey does not wish to cross paths with any of the hungry beasts. Tail lazily smacks at some bugs that try to land on his hind end and, what his tail misses, his rooster friend happily takes care of. They continue to forage, the donkey slowly filling his belly while the peaceful surroundings lull him into a sense of safety. Long ears pick up on the sound of coyotes further away and the ass’s head shoots up, swiveling in the direction of, not only where the noise comes from but where Taiga had headed off too.

With a snort, Nugget tightens his grip in the plush fur of Oscar’s rump and the donkey swiftly swings them in the direction of their friend. Sure, Taiga could probably deal with the threats herself but the donkey will be damned if she has to face any danger alone. As a herd, they protect and help each other. Hooves thunder across the ground as the pair race through the forest, the donkey snapping twigs and crunching snow as he goes. He does not care that he is making a racket and alerting the predators to his approach. With a ton of noise, the ass and rooster burst onto the scene and find that Taiga is facing off with six coyotes.

Without stopping, Oscar races up to her side, squaring off against the predators while baring his flat teeth at the stupid predators. The sounds of even more of the creatures comes from within the tree line and the donkey darts a glance behind the six, spying more yellow eyes in the darkness. Tail lightly smacks against the back of his herd member’s leg, showing his support of her without using any words. The beasts seem uncertain now that a herbivore has come to fight alongside a huge predator and the advancing group hesitates a moment.

That is all the invitation the ass needs. With a loud bray, Oscar launches forward, barreling down on the closest coyote. Long ears pin back as he slams headlong into the creature, sending it crashing to the earth; much to the surprise of its friends. Shifting his weight into his hind legs, he rears up and aims his front hooves at the downed coyote’s head. Another bray and he comes back to the ground, the helpless predator only able to watch as those hooves bring his doom. With a loud, sickening crunch, hooves meet skull and the coyote’s body slumps sideways as its skull splits wide open.

All hell breaks loose as predators and one lone prey animal fight. Claws draw blood, teeth find flesh and hooves crack open skulls like watermelons. Growls and brays fill the air as blood paints the ground and fills the air with its coppery scent.

WC: 626
Total WC: 998 / 1500

"Oscar Monaghan"

Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby