
This Is A Seasonal

Oscar, Kyren, Coyotes



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

5 Years
Large species
02-28-2023, 12:54 AM

Kyren was enjoying some lichen growing around the base of a tree whose roots were well exposed.  The exposed roots had done a fine job of offering some protection from the last snowfall so that there was very little covering them up.  He could scent some type of fungus growing in the moist ground, hidden by a layer of snow.  The reindeer raised its head frequently at any noise or smell that could mean danger.  Kyren was a bold stag and perfectly willing to take up a fight but there was no stopping some instincts and it was always better to avoid surprises and fights when possible.

“Trouble!” A raven sitting in a tree called out before flying onto the reindeer's head and then softly back up to the tree giving Kyren a betrayed look.  The raven enjoyed perching on Kyren’s antlers but those had fallen off as winter had first started touching the land.  Now he had velvety nubs that were no taller than his ears sprouting on his head and those made a poor perch for a raven.

Kyren’s ears swiveled as the giant reindeer listened, catching the sounds of Oscar destroying the forest with his fast running.  Kyren tossed his head up and took flight after the sounds and scent of his friend.  Soon enough the scent of the coyotes came to him also.  Kyren grinned, the abnormal saber-like fangs that jutted from his mouth all the more obvious as his lips curled up.  Even if he was a prey species, a coyote was no real threat.  They might go after foals and the elderly but they knew better than to mess with a grown reindeer.

When he caught up he snorted in surprise as the stupid canines were actually going after Taiga?  Mad idiots, regardless of their numbers and it was considerable.  They hadn’t run, nor paid much attention to Kyren at first other than a wary glance.  Kyren took the opportunity to rush a pair.  Front hooves slammed into the back of a coyote, causing a shriek and thud while his head dropped down to bite into the other coyote's neck to give it a good thrashing.  The taste of blood was a foul thing, causing Kyren to grimace.  

Glancing about Kyren realized the problem here had been numbers.  They were far less dangerous than wolves and many predators but they had come out in large numbers.  Well, a donkey, a reindeer, and a king kong sized cat should be able to handle this easily enough.  

Seeing Taiga was busy beating up a pair of coyotes already Kyren charged towards another that seemed to think sneaking up on her might work.  What were these animals thinking?  This coyote had already seen Kyren kill two of his kind and it shrunk off when Kyren got in close.  The two squared off, Kyren stomping the ground twice with a front hoof in a warning.  Were they mad to go picking such a fight?  

The coyote suddenly turned and attempted to flee, apparently wiser than some of his friends.  Kyren jogged after it but didn’t bother trying to actually hurt it.  Once the canine was sufficiently far away Kyren gave up the chase.

Word Count 534
Total 1532 / 1500

[Image: Qn2ukRa.png]