
Nothing like a raid to get your blood flowing

Elysium & Valta Raid



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
03-01-2023, 12:43 PM

Cináed reclined back, a grin on his lips as he enjoyed his time with Tira... only to have it very abruptly cut short. His eyes shot open at the sound of a howl announcing their expected attackers' arrival and was surprised to have Tira suddenly bounce off of him as if she were made of rubber. He groaned with disappointment and reluctantly began rolling to his feet. "Tiraaaa..." he muttered, even though he knew complaining wouldn't get him anywhere. It wasn't like he could go up to their raiders and ask them to come back later because he and his roommate/lover were in the middle of something. He made his way out to the main chamber of their den with far less excitement than Tira did, quickly throwing on his armor and giving a quick whistle to bring Gual and Tine out from the near by trees.

He stepped over to where Satira was tippy tapping with excitement at the top of the falls, looking down over where the fights had already begun to break out, his gaze shifting down to hers with a raised brow as she began to offer him a wager. The offer brought that grin back to his lips and suddenly the interruption didn't seem so bad. "Deal!" he yelled after her with a chuckle as she immediately sprung off to go attack one of the Elysium wolves. He didn't immediately start rushing down into the fight like she did, instead taking just a second to scope out the competition and figure out who he was aiming for. His sweeping gaze glanced across a hauntingly familiar red and black figure, not quite connecting what he was seeing at first, and then doubled back to look down at his brother from his distant spot at the top of the falls. The grin he was wearing faded into shock and disbelief until finally pulling into determination as he began to bound down the tiers of the fall to the lower area where the bulk of the fights were taking place.

He wasn't sure how to feel as he darted through the crowd of fighters, making a beeline for Ifrit and approaching him almost from behind on his right side. There wasn't a clear cut anger like there had been with his father–maybe something closer to disappointment or confusion instead. Regardless, for now he tried to focus on the raid itself and the fight at hand. Perhaps they could figure out the emotions of things later if Ifrit was so inclined. With practiced coordination, his Tibetan mastiff, Tine, came charging at Ifrit directly from the front with loud barks and growls to try and keep the striped male's attention while Cina ran in hopefully just outside of his brother's peripheral vision to slam his chest into Ifrit's right hip, using his spiked chest plate as the weapon he had designed it to be.

Cináed vs Ifrit for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked chest plate
Defensive Battle Accessory: Reinforced leather bracers
Companion 1: Black hawk, Male - Flying - Boosted
Companion 2: Tibetan Mastiff, Male - Battle
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Bulwark
