
Parties always mean mouths to feed

Rudy, Kip


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
03-01-2023, 03:10 PM
As soon as the deer's head lowered he knew that was their opportunity and Rudy didn't disappoint in timing his charge at the same time as him, the seasoned hunters working well in tandem together. He launched himself out of the brush at the same time as Rudyard and the two hunters easily boxed in the buck. The deer of course tried to run, but they had the element of surprise on their side and with Rudy grappling its leg and tripping it up it gave him a great opportunity to leap up and latch his own jaws around its throat. His serrated teeth immediately began to rip through flesh with the deer's struggling and flailing attempts to get away, only making the wound worse.

He managed to use the momentum of his jump to bring the deer down, narrowly missing its swinging antlers as the deer tried to throw his head to the side to hit him. The deer landed on its side with a heavy thump and Ezra was quick to get a paw on the side of its head and pin it down while he held his tight grip on its throat to keep those antlers at bay and he depended on Rudy to help pin down the rest of the large prey animal to keep it from trying to get away again. It didn't take long with that crushing bite on its throat to end their hunt though and even if it had managed to get away it wouldn't have gotten far with these injuries. The hunt could have ended up being more of a production than it was, but luckily their quick timing and well practiced skill won out this time.

Once the deer fell still, Ezra let go with a satisfied sigh, licking the blood from his lips as he glanced up at Rudy with a pleased grin. "Well done as always!" He looked around for Kipling then, spotting the gray-furred pup on a near by rock and tossed the boy a grin as well. "What'd you think?" he called over to him, waving him to come down and take a look at the buck now that it was downed.

"Ezra Adravendi"