
This is how you defend! ... Right?




Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
03-01-2023, 10:01 PM
Trotting along the edge of the creek that followed the edges of the neighboring grapevine forest, Dorian had his eyes peeled for any kind of fancy looking herbs and plants that he might be able to take back to his dad. Some of them he knew and whenever he found them he'd stop and recite off how it was used and what it was good for to practice his recall of all of the stuff he was learning from his dad. There was plenty of plants all along the long, winding creek that snaked away from their main territory by the falls where he and his family lived, but for the most part everything was cluttered with cattails. He didn't really know what the cattails were good for other than to have fun with breaking open the top part and watching the fluff go everywhere, but maybe he'd ask his dad about that next! Surely something that was so plentiful around here would have some kind of good use or purpose.

He started to near the end of the creek where the sound of the ocean it connected to reached his ears, the sound of waves against the shore telling him it was probably about time to turn back around. There wasn't a whole lot to do around their home when he wasn't playing with one of his siblings or getting lessons from his parents so this was a path that he took pretty often. He knew he wasn't supposed to go past the borders on his own and he didn't exactly want to get in trouble with his mother, but he did sometimes go right up to the edge of his mother's territory just so he could peek out at the lands beyond those boundaries. Sometimes he would find different kinds of plants that grew where the terrain began to change or shift into something else so it was worth the tiny extra bit of exploration! Besides, sometimes it was just fun to take a slightly different path or at least see something that maybe he had never seen before. That didn't happen all that often considering how many times he had walked this path now, but sometimes he'd see a new animal or spot something lurking in the shadows and that was always fun to come running back to his siblings to tell them about it.

Today though, as he was walking along the Ethne border right at the edge of the scent markers, it wasn't plants or animals he spotted, but another wolf! Or at least he thought it was a wolf. She was smaller than most of the other wolves he knew or had seen and her ears were all flopped over so that they bounced when she moved. As soon as he spotted her moving through the grapevine plants on the other side of border, Dorian hopped behind one of the near by trees to hide, watching her for a while to see where she was going to go. It seemed like she was getting awfully close to the pack, or at least that's what it felt like from his perspective, and he glanced back behind him toward the heart of the pack's territory. He was so far away from where everyone else was right now and if he called for someone he'd give his position away! No, he had to handle this one on his own. But he had been learning from his mom so he'd be totally fine, he was sure of it!

He snuck closer and closer, using the foliage and trees as cover, to get closer to the could-be intruder. That did take him a little bit past the actual border, but it was for a good cause so he was sure that he could explain it to his mom and not get into too much trouble–or at least that's what he hoped for. It was too late at this point cause if he were to retreat there was a good chance he'd be noticed as he was running back across the border. Instead, he got as close as he thought he could without getting spotted and then leaped out of the bushes with a battle cry that sounded much more intimidating in his head and went for the woman's curled tail, trying to snap at it with a big hop to reach it.

WC: 733
Total: 733 / 2500
