
This is how you defend! ... Right?



"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
03-01-2023, 11:03 PM
Ever since her family had moved up north to join Valta, Satira had not ventured down to Auster for any particular reasons. The southern continent was quite a trek from her current home, but the tropical climates did have a host of fresh herbs that simply did not grow up in the colder climates of Boreas. Wintergreen grew in abundance here, as did wormwood, both extremely handy herbs to have on hand for a budding pack's medical stores. The little tawny wolf-dog set about the dense growth of grapevines, filling her leather satchel with as many of the plants as she could. The trip down to southern Auster had been long and weary, but she was determined to make the most of her time that she could while she was here. Perhaps she would even be able to cultivate some of these excess herbs in Valta's gardens when she got back to the pack.

As she meandered and scoured about the vine-laden territory for more of the rare herbs, Satira kept a close eye on her surroundings, most notably on the nearby pack territories bordering the cathedral. She had no intention of trespassing, and if she kept her head about her she should have no issues with that. Cináed had offered to come with her to protect her, but Tira was a big girl and staunchly told him so; she could look after herself. If anyone tried to mess with her, she had her trusty blade and her half decent fighting skills to keep herself alive. Nothing and no one was going to bother her. The wolf-dog had made her way almost towards the wall of dense reeds that marked the nearby creek when the sound of movement in the nearby bushes caught her attention. Small head snapped up, floppy ears bouncing and jumping up alert. Was someone else here with her? Satira took a tentative sniff of the air, steel blue eyes fixed on the dense undergrowth for any signs of a predator or threat lurking nearby.

Everything was quiet... and then it was suddenly not quiet. The bushes exploded outwards as a wolf, extremely young looking in the face, came rushing towards her, bellowing at the top of his lungs. His juvenile voice gave away his age, yet despite his youth he was just about as tall as she was, which wasn't to say very tall at all. Tira swiftly turned her body towards the charging wolf, yanking her fluffy tail away from his snapping jaws in the nick of time. Not wasting a precious second, Satira lunged for the attacking wolf with a snarl, her petite paws moving in rapid flurries of movement as she targeted her attacker with pinpoint precision. She struck first at a point just behind the pup's foreleg, just under his armpit area where she knew a bundle of nerves would render his front leg immobile. Immediately after, she followed up with a hard strike aimed for the back of his head, right where his skull and spine connected, targeting another pressure point that would stun and black out his vision temporarily.

With her two stunning strikes made, Satira then shoved her shoulder towards the pup's chest, aiming to topple him over. She did not want to actually hurt the pup since he was so young, but she did intend to incapacitate him enough for her to overpower him and make sure he was just an idiot and not an actual threat. If her foe went down, Satira would waste no time pouncing on top of him, one paw pressing to his chest while her other pressed forward to a third pressure point at the corner of his jaw, one that would prevent him from closing his jaws properly so long as she applied pressure to that spot. "Don't fight! Just stay down or the next hit's gonna make sure you stay down," she warned the imbecile with a little growl to her voice, pointed blue eyes leering down at the pup. "Who the hell are you and why are you attacking me?!"

WC: 680
Total: 1413 / 2500
