
Colors of the wind, but it's actually lights in the sky

Rebel, winter seasonal



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
03-01-2023, 11:44 PM

The excitement in his little girl was palpable as the dire wolf sire carried her up to the end of the crystal clear plunge pool and impressive waterfall. But if she had been impressed by the beauty of the woods and mountains, it was nothing compared to the excitement she gushed when he pointed her attention skyward. Maverick heard her gasp while they gazed up at the Northern Lights, felt her hyperactive tail whipping against his back, and laughed aloud when a flurry of questions and exclamations poured from her mouth at a mile a minute. "Those are the Northern Lights, Rebbie," he explained while lowering his body to the mossy ground, letting Rebel hop off so she could better explore the new territory around her. "I don't exactly know what causes them, but I know they only exist up here in northern Boreas, and they only appear at night." Rebel exclaimed how pretty and bright the colors were and Maverick laughed again, a huge, fatherly grin spreading across his muzzle as his gaze shifted from sky to pup and back again. "Yep! Every color of the rainbow! They appear year round, but they're especially bright and clear in the winter. I think the cold has something to do with it, but honestly, your mother is smarter about that kind of stuff than I am." Maverick was not a dumb wolf by any standard, but he definitely did not have the scientific know-how to explain to his inquisitive child how things like aurora borealis worked.

With a stretch and a groan, the dire wolf rolled his body over so he was now lying on his back, belly up and gazing up at the stars and auroras. From this position, he did not have to crane his neck to see the celestial spectacle above his head. He could simply lie back with his daughter and watch the show until she began to tire. "Do you like them, Rebbie?" asked Mav after a few moments, turning his gaze down to his small pup at his side. "This is one of the most special places I saw when I was a traveler. I thought you might like to see it too. It can be our secret place to go to, and we can bring whoever we want when we want to show them this magical place too." Sure, they were likely not the only wolves in existence who knew the Waterfall Peak existed, but it was so out of the way for most that he had never encountered another soul around here in any of his trips past this place. He had meant to bring Venom here for a romantic night at some point, but life had gotten so hectic in the past few seasons, he simply hadn't had the opportunity. Maybe in the near future he could fix that. But now Rebel would have her own little secret place she could take her friends or boyfriends to when she got older—assuming Mav didn't have to bury any chavs for looking sideways at his daughter.

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As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.