
Don't You Forget About Me


10-20-2013, 11:28 PM

He hadn't forgotten about her...It just seemed like that. It wasn't that she wasn't important anymore because she, it was just that he was an Adravendi and Valhalla had been established by Adravendi's, so he had a bigger responsibility to his pack than most did because it was truly his. So many things had been going on with the pack in regards to the upcomming war between his pack and their enemy Glaciem. His uncle had promoted him the day before to Heir...a rank he never would have thought to ever reach in his life. Aza had been heir for the longest time...and now she was a prisoner of Glaciem. The young Adravendi gritted his teeth. They would get his sister back. They had to. Azalea wasn't going to stay under the clutches of the Ice King for long. Not if he had anything to do about it.

And then a voice he hadn't heard in quite some time rung across the atmosphere, calling to him; Meili. Oh his Meili. Gael wasted no time in rushing from his den to answer his little woman's call. Ivory paws beat the earth beneath him as he hurried to Meili's side, ceruleans coming across her familiar timber figure, locking in on her teal eyes. How he loved those eyes. The now Heir slowed himself to a slow walk as he approached his little woman, embarassment filling his cerulean eyes as he pushed himself against her, burying his nose in the nape of her neck. Meili... he murmured gently into her skin, his heart thumping unevenly inside his ribcage.

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