
stargazer koi

Celeste x Kuroki x Cyanide



ContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - Silver
03-02-2023, 01:20 AM
Name: Gari
Gender: Male
Size/Height/Build Medium/32"/Heavy

Alignment: Chaotic stupid Neutral
The boy will never grow to his father's astounding height, but he will dwarf his mother, eventually settling in at 32". He is robust in his build (probably muscle gain from all the bouncing around he will do). A stark white pelt is mottled with yellows and golds, quite the contrast to his monochrome mother (probably a throwback somewhere along the line). Puppy blue eyes will eventually settle to a deep jade green, standing out brightly against the warmer speckles that mark around his eyes and the majority of the rest of his pelt. Eventually, a proud set of rams horns will sprout from his head, curling around to rest either side of his chiseled cheekbones. He thinks himself quite pretty, and will do his utmost to maintain his appearance once he manages to catch sight of his own reflection.
You might think someone with intelligence as a skill would be a little bit switched on, in this case, you would be wrong. His goldfish looks should be a dead giveaway that the boy has a 3 second memory. It will be challenging to keep the kid on task when he keeps getting distracted by pretty flowers, or interesting bugs or gasp! something shiny! His interests will be varied and fleeting, and he will move across the landscape with their merry little band without much of a care for 'putting down roots'. The kid could be described as conceited, if he knew what the word meant. He will very rarely think before acting or consider the effect his words and actions might have on another. He will be naive and approach strangers and start talking their ears off without a second thought, and will be more than happy to have his loyalty bought if there is some benefit in it for him (what good is having 3 parents if you can't make them compete a little for your love?) Overall a harmless scamp, but a scamp none the less.
Skills: Healing/Intel
Preferred Mother: Celeste