


10-20-2013, 11:40 PM

Jet watched with a fierce gaze at the proceedings around him. Words were said here and there but he cared little for such petty things. He wanted nothing more then to get the bloodshed going, his body raging with the want to sink his teeth into flesh and rip out as many throats as he could. Though he was not a long standing member of Glaciem, he wanted to gain the kings favor and rise through the ranks. His lust for blood was strong, and as the queen of Amenti moved forward to take a bite of the bloodied remains of the prey, a great thirst would take hold of him. His eyes darted to those that would speak again, and at last on the king as he spoke again to his daughters. Jet would speak, wanting to let the king know how much he craved the blood of the ones they were to go against. "Isardis my lord, I must say that this first step to war is a great and noble idea. We must wipe out the weak and keep alive the strong...I will fight for your cause, as revenge is always the sweetest thing on my menu. My brother whom I've seen on the battlefield for the claiming of that grey wench, is aiding Valhalla it seems...and I want nothing more then to sink my teeth into the allies that my dear brother cares about so." An erratic and eery chuckle would gurgle from his throat as he made his intentions clear. He would fight for this kingdom, power was everything after all and none were stronger then the white demon before him.
