
stargazer koi

Celeste x Kuroki x Cyanide


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
03-02-2023, 08:45 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2023, 03:18 AM by Virgil. Edited 1 time in total.)
Name: Onigiri (oh lord what's the last name situation for these little gremlins?)
Gender: Male
Size/Height/Build Small - 25" - Light

Alignment: Chaotic Good (+ Intel/Nav skills)

Youth expresses itself in the form of a splotchy, fuzzy mess of monochrome. A very leggy child who struggles to maintain any real bulk. Oni is a tiny little thing, whose name inspires a kind of fear that he can't properly back up. His ears are a little too big for his entire childhood, prone to flopping this way and that as he moves. With his thin fur and skinny frame, he's meant more for racing than he is for brawling.

Build; As the awkwardness of puphood fades, he doesn't come even close to measuring up to his sire and larger siblings. Instead, he's a petite waif of a man. Feminine in the right lighting, with delicate wrists and a small waist. Oni is made of harsh angles and deadly curves, like a well honed blade. His cheekbones could slice down to the bone, and the jut of his hipbones are eye catching. Much like his parents, he's a stone cold stunner. Emphasis on cold. Meant to be a fair weather creature, he runs on the chilly side at all times.

Coat; Silky and smooth, his pelage drapes over his frame like a gauzy shawl. Meant to hug the body and accentuate the form, leaving nothing to the imagination. Composed entirely of monochrome hues, his colouring takes after his mother more than anything. The mess of grey and black that covers his body ties in to his koi-wolf genes, without the traditional brilliance of orange and red. Predominantly grey and black, his base colours of pallid alabaster are mostly masked by the heavy handed splattering of coal. A few open spaces along his flanks and crown show through the snowy white, and most dramatically so in the creases of his elbows and downy fluff at the backs of his thighs. His face is dipped almost entirely in charcoal grey, with messy splatters of rich onyx liner extending out from below his lashes and out across his cheeks.

Eyes & Scent; Two striking points of colour on an otherwise shadowy frame, the rich orange missing from his coat is concentrated in his eyes. Carefully selected amber gems set into the sockets of his skull, framed by thick lashes and prone to a cold stare. Oni smells most often of woodsmoke and petrichor, like a campfire only recently abandoned to a storm.

Voice & Gait; Though he may be little, Oni speaks with the resonant, gravelly baritone of a man thrice his bulk. A rich laugh like oozy caramel, meant to melt and enthrall bystanders. A dry, nonplussed drawl seems to be his default tone- like he's bored by everything and everyone. He prefers deadpan sarcasm and offhanded cutting remarks to typical childish humour, which pairs perfectly with his rumbling voice. Oni carries himself with confidence, though he lacks the swagger of his sire. No meek coward, in spite of his diminutive stature and propensity for laziness.

Quirks & Mutations; The mottled genes of his koi heritage shine through in the more unique aspects of his appearance. He inherited his father's antelope horns, both pairs of which are run through with splotches of black, grey, and white. Framed by his grey tipped ears, they add the regal air of a pronged crown to his smoky features. When he deigns to open his mouth, even Oni's pink tongue is shot through with little spots and splotches of grey-black.

Curious; At his core, Onigiri wants to see it all. He wants to know everything, experience everything, and die with a hoarde of magical experiences in his soul. To do that, he starts off wandering from an early age. Short trips to new places, or venturing off from camp to push deeper into the territory on his own. He seeks out oddities and mysteries, wanting to understand the ways of the world. Sometimes he comes away with more questions than answers, but that's half the fun of it!

Quiet; He's a soft spoken thing, with a tendency towards keeping his mouth shut. Especially in large groups, where a smaller body makes him easier to overlook to begin with. He isn't one to fight to be heard, and instead waits for the right moment to speak up. It makes him an excellent listener and friend, content to hear someone else's stories and exploits before mentioning his own.

Witty; Oni is sharp, without a doubt. Sarcastic quips seem to come out of nowhere with him, timed well for the best effect. With a keen eye and a good head on his shoulders, Onigiri is a trustworthy advisor and a devastating debate partner. He's fond of a well placed, deep cutting insult that draws on fatal flaws as opposed to a physical attack. Why hurt the body, when you can hurt the soul just as easily? He's also a born navigator, well suited to sitting for hours and studying the constellations as the seasons change. Tracking the movements of the stars is a lifelong love affair, beginning from the very start of his life as a nomad.

Lackadaisical; Despite the... everything about him.. that says otherwise, Onigiri is a calm soul. Even tempered and keen to waste his time doing nothing at all. He swans about staring at the sky and the flowers and the trees and the ground, largely uninterested in properly contributing to society or the greater good. He doesn't see it as wasting his time or life, preferring to frame it as an adventure of some kind or another. "I'm seeing what flowers grow here" or "I wanted to see if those are storm clouds coming over the hill"- there's always a purpose to his actions, even if it's a frivolous one.

Closed-off; He doesn't trust easily. Sometimes he doesn't trust at all, just for the sake of being petty. It takes a great deal of effort to worm one's way into his heart, and some might say it's more effort than its worth. Oni has a bad habit of seeing the bad in others in order to avoid having to get attached to them. He worries about suffering the pain of losing friends, and it seems a lot easier to him to avoid having them entirely. Who needs to hang around with strangers when he can just force one of his siblings to hang out with him?

Preferred Mother: No preference! Celeste would probably be best fit (appearance wise) but the pure comedy of Cyanide managing to pop out a kid who looks suspiciously like Celeste is almost preferable in itself