
if there is one things gods love, it's tragedy



"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
03-02-2023, 10:35 PM

It isn’t difficult to miss the small healer’s approach; the girl hardly cares about the noise she makes. If she was outside the safety of Ashen, she would be more cautious but here, where she is safe, she rushes to her uncle. Smoothly, Seere skids to a stop in front of her uncle and immediately begins to assault him with questions. Tail wags happily behind her as she grins at Incubus and, when he calls her ‘Miss Daimyo’, the monochrome girl’s excitement bubbles over. Mad giggles fill the air as her tail picks up speed and she practically bounces in place. Eyes sparkle as he asks how she is doing and the girl happily chirps, “I’m great! Dad made some armor that looks just like his! Hey, you should come have lunch with us sometime! Meet all your nieces and nephews.”

For a moment, she wonders if he has already met her siblings but her focus swiftly shifts as her uncle reveals the reason he has called her here. The joyful bounce subsides as she listens intently to everything he says, nodding along as he speaks of Riva and how he wants to propose to her. A bright smile is on her lips and a gently giggle bubbles out at her uncle’s embarrassment. He continues on, talking about wanting to make it special and romantic. The girl nods, already guessing why she is here and his question quickly confirms the suspicion. With a grin, she turns her mismatched gaze out to the lake, looking at the spaces between the small ponds and nods to herself as the wheels are already turning in her mind.

After a moment, Seere says, “I like the idea. See the tall rocks behind that pond?” A small paw lifts to point them out as she continues on, “We could put poles in the ground and hang a few furs over there. It could be a nice area to make a small private space for you two.” Tracing down from the rocks to the space between the ponds closest to it, she says, “We can set up a little makeshift table there. Maybe have a little candlelit dinner? I can get some candles for you.” Nodding to herself, she turns her purple and mint gaze to her uncle and asks, “She is a healer, right? Do you know what her favorite flower or herbs are? Might be nice to string those up around the area. Oh, oh! Make a little pathway for her to follow to the table!”

Ideas pour out from the little healer and she has to pause to see what her uncle thinks. Seere is a hopeless romantic at heart and she has her family to thank for it.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.

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1. if there is one things gods love, it's tragedy Wolfpaw Lake 02:19 AM, 02-26-2023 03:33 AM, 02-13-2024