
Don't You Forget About Me


10-20-2013, 11:51 PM

She would bury her head into his chest and Gael would sigh with relief. War was creeping on them so fast and he now to worry about protecting the pack with his life, but for the briefest of moments, just holding Meili to him, he could forget about it all. Right in that moment he wasn't Gael the heir; he was Gael the man that belonged to Meili. Plain and simple. His name would grace her lips, sending his heart into stutters. She was the only one that could make his name sound special. They held each other for what seemed to be an eternity before his little woman was the first one to break their embrace. He could already sense the worry coming off of her in waves and he knew what question was going to come from her lips.

Gael... Do you have to go fight in the war? Tell me the truth. I know you're family is a large part of Valhalla and I know how much this pack means to you, I just... I just don't want you to get hurt. The Heir would allow his gaze to drop towards his paws for a moment, lids slipping closed over his eyes. He didn't want her to worry, but he couldn't lie to her at the same time. I do. My uncle called for me yesterday and promoted me to heir. I'm now the Heir to the Valhallan throne and I have to fight. I have to defend my people Meili... He trailed off, allowing his gaze to come back up to meet her teal one. I have to get my sister back from Glaciem...And I have to keep them from getting here because if they defeat us and take Valhalla... His throat constricted, ears folding against his skull. If they took his pack, they could take his little woman too...and he wouldn't be able to stand that...He couldn't let them take Meili when they had already taken his sister.

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